package aboutMe;

public class Edwin extends Portfolio {
    public Edwin() {
      String fullName = "Edwin Hernandez";
      String homeTown = "Dallas, TX";
      String school = "University of North Texas";
      int expGraduation = May 2023;
      Resume resume = new Resume("pdf");
      String[] hobbiesAndInterests = new String[] {
        "classical music",
        "watching netflix and anime",
        "playing video games",
        "trying new food with friends",
    public static void contact() { }


University of North Texas, Denton

B. S. - Computer Engineering, Mathematics

Expected Graduation: May 2023

Relevant Coursework:

Computer Science

  • Principles of Systems Programming* (CSCE 3600)
  • Assembly Lang. and Computer Organization* (CSCE 2610)
  • Foundations of Data Structures (CSCE 2110)
  • Foundations of Computing (CSCE 2100)
  • Computer Science II (CSCE 1040)
  • Computer Science I (CSCE 1030)


  • Multivariable Calculus (MATH 2730)
  • Linear Algebra (MATH 2700)
  • Probability Models* (Math 1780)
  • Calculus II (MATH 1720)
  • Calculus I (MATH 1710)

Electrical Engineering

  • Digital Logic Design (EENG 2720 | 2730)
  • Circuit Analysis* (EENG 2610 | 2611)
  • Electricity and Magnetism (PHYS 2220 | 2240)
  • Mechanics (PHYS 1710 | 1730)

*in progress


PS 5 Bot

Developed and finalized an automated program that handels real-time web requests by implementing web sockets using WebSocket Client and Selenium.


Twitter Bot

Created and implemented a web scraper which displays the names of those who are not following you.


Password Manager

Designed and deployed a password manager using object-oriented programming which allows users to input personal info for specific websites.


Eagle Lift

Programmed and tested a program that simulates a Taxi service for my school, UNT.


Discord Bot

A simple discord bot that helps you manage your server by providing useful commands like playing music or deleting text messages.


Personal Website

This website was made using HTML/CSS, and Javascript!

Repo for this website

Python, Django, HTML/CSS, Javascript